Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Dr. C.T.Aravindakumar


Dr. C. T. Aravindakumar           Personal Website

Professor, School of Environmental Sciences 

Hon. Director, International Centre for Polar Studies

Hon. Director, Inter University Instrumentation Centre

Coordinator, Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF), Kottayam (A National Centre of DST, New Delhi)

(Pro Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University)


B.Sc. Chemistry, University of Kerala (1986)

M.Sc. Chemistry, University of Pune (1988)

Ph. D Chemistry, University of Pune (*Under Exchange Programme between the University of Pune and Max-Planck-Institute fur Strahlenchemie, Germany) (1992)

Post – Doctoral Research

  1. Biochemistry Division, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (June, 1997 – Sept., 1998 & June,1999-Jan.2000)
  2. Max-Planck-Institute for Radiation Chemistry, Germany (May – Sept., 2000)
  3. Biophysics Division, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (June 2001 – June 2002)

Academic and Administrative positions

Vice Chancellor, MG University (2023 onwards)

Pro-Vice Chancellor, MG University (2019 -2023)

Hon. Director, International Centre for Polar Studies

Member, Syndicate

Member, Senate

Chairman, Board of Studies, Environmental Science

Director: Planning &Development Advisory Committee

Member, University Research Committee

Director, School of Environmental Sciences

Hon. Director, Inter University Instrumentation Centre (IUIC)

Visiting Professorships/Scientist / Researcher

1999: Environment Engineering, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA

2005: GSF-National Research Institute, Germany

2006: Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea

2007: GSF-National Research Institute, Germany

2009: Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea

2011 & 2012: University of Paris (S)

2012: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

2013 & 2015: University of Paris (East) (Marne – la – vallee), France

2014: Duke University, USA

2014: Russian Academy of Science (TIPS-RAS), Moskow & St.Petersburg University, Russia                        2015 & 2017: Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

2018: Hokkaido University, Japan

2018: Melbourne University, Australia

2018: University of Malaya, Kaula Lumbur, Malaysia

2019: Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia

2019: Technical University of Brno, Czech Republic


  1. NCL-University of Pune Fellow 1986
  2. Department of Atomic Energy, Govt.of India, Junior Research Fellow 1989
  3. ICSC-World Laboratory (Switzerland) Fellow 1990
  4. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt.of India, Senior Research Fellow 1992
  5. Buxandale-Bursary Young scientist award for Miller Conference, Italy, 1995
  6. Research council post-doctoral fellowship, Katholieke universiteit Leuven, Belgium,   1996
  7. Max-Planck-Society post-doctoral fellow, 2000
  8. NWO (The Netherlands) Visitor Fellowship, 2001
  9. GSF-National Research Centre, Visiting Scientist 2005
  10. University of Paris-Est (Marne-la-vallee) Visiting Professorship, 2013, 2015
  11. Team Leader, Indian Arctic Expedition July/Agu.2017 Himadri (Indian Station at Arctic)
  12. Selected for LEAP (Leadership for Academicians Programme) by MHRD, 2019
  13. ERASMUS visiting fellowship from European Union 2019
  14. Chairman, Examination Reform Commission (Appointed by Govt of Kerala) 2021
  15. Chairman, Committee on Antarctic Environmental Impact Assessment and Antarctic Environmental Governance 2022

Research Collaborations (past & present)

  • Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay
  • Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi
  • Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam, Kerala
  • National Centre for Ultrafast Process, Madras
  • National Centre for Free Radical Research Pune
  • California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
  • GSF-National Research Centre, Munich, Germany
  • Pohang University of Science & Technology, South Korea
  • University of Sherbrooke, Canada,
  • University of Paris (south), France
  • University of Paris-Est-Marne-la-Vallee
  • Duke University, USA
  • Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • Norwegion University of Life Sciences,  Norway

Research Areas

Major Areas

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Water Purification Technology
  • Air pollution
  • Radiation science
  • Photochemistry
  • Polar research (Indian Polar Expedition)
  • Environmental Education & Governance

Specific Areas

  • Advanced Oxidation Process for Degradation of Emerging Pollutants
  • Identification of Emerging Contaminants in Polar regions
  • Membrane Technology for Water Purification
  • Fuel cells
  • Radiation and Photo- induced modifications of DNA and related compounds
  • Protein – Pollutant Interaction
  • Computer based theoretical calculations for free radical reactions

Research Supervision

  • 30 Ph.Ds awarded
  • 8 Ph.D, presently working

Research experience

Sl. No.


Research Area (Instrumental Experience)


University of Pune, India   :

(1988-’90 & 1992 – 1993)

Radiation Chemistry of DNA model systems & Organic Water Pollutants (Steady-state/HPLC UV-VIS,IR,NMR)


Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, : India (as visiting Research / Student from University of Pune (1989 – 1990 & 1992 – 93)

Pulse Radiolysis (Linear accelerator) 

Radical Reaction Kinetics


Max-Plank-Institut für Strahlenchemie:Mülheim, Germany (Nov.1990 – Nov. 1991 & May – Sept.,2000)

Radiation modification of DNA related comp/ Fenton reaction Van de Graaff accelerator HPLC, IC, GC, GC – MS


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, :    Bombay, India (as visiting Research Student from University of Pune)  (1992 Jan – May)

Photochemistry (Laser Flash Photolysis with ESR Detection)


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium  :

(June 1997 – Sept.1998 & June 1999-Jan.2000)

Protein radical chemistry/ Nitric oxide-Protein interaction Gel / Ion – Exchange / Affinity chromatography / Aminoacid Analyzer / Electrophoresis)


California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,:USA (Sept.1999)

Degradation of Environmental Organic Pollutants using Ultrasound, LC-MS


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam                           : (June 2001 – June 2002)

Photochemistry/Ultrafast charge transfer in DNA (Femtosec.Laser/ pump-probe / fluorescence)


Pohang University of Scienceand TechnologySouth Korea (March 2006)

Femtosecond spectroscopy/Lasers


GSF-National Research Center, Munich :Germany (April – June, 2005, 2007)

Radiation Biology/ DNA damage due to oxidative stress/environmental pollutants


University of Paris (S) (May 2011)   :

Picosecond pulse radiolysis


University of Paris-East (Marne – la – vallee): (April 2013, June 2015)

Electro-Fenton for pollutant degradation

Research Projects (ongoing and completed)

(Total 20 major research projects; > 10 Crs)

A: International

Name of the Project  

Funding Agency        



Investigation of the base release from     some pyrimidine nucleosides and nucleotides in aqueous medium: A radiation and photochemical study

Third World Academy   of Science (ICTP),    Italy 

1 Yr     (1995-’96)  


Oxidative DNA damage induced by      reactive oxygen substances     

Indo-German DST-DAAD Project

2 Yrs


Pulse radiolysis of biomolecules

Indo-French ARCUS     Project        

2 Yrs      


An Interdisciplinary and Community  Oriented   Innovative Approach Towards Sustainable Development    (Rs.1.25 Crore); (as Coordinator

Obama-Singh 21st    Century Knowledge initiative (Indo-US under UGC)

3 yrs   


Indo-Denmark Network Programme   “Nanofibre structures for efficient enzyme immobilization in membrane applications”

Danish Research Council            

1 yr             


Layer-by-Layer assisted antimicrobial Membranes for water purification (as Co-PI)

Indo-Israel SPARC project    

2 yr


Towards sustainable surface water ecosystems  in India: Predicting the fate, transport and effects of urban wastewater pollutants in rivers

Indo-UK SPARC project  

2 yr            


B: National

Name of the Project

Funding Agency



Heavy ion radiolysis studies of some substituted benzenes and heterocyclic systems in aqueous medium

Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi

3 Yr


Radiation chemical studies of some substiuted thymines and cytosines

Board of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), Bombay

4 Yrs


Charge transport in DNA

BRNS, Bombay

3 yrs


Radiation and photochemical studies of chitosan modified polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons

BRNS, Bombay

3 yrs


Radiation Induced Modification of Some Pyrimidine Nucleosides and Nucleotides


3 yrs


Sonochemical degradation of organic water pollutants


3 yrs


Setting up of the National Centre (Sophicated Analytical Instrument Facility)


5 Yrs


Nationwide Environmental Gamma Radiation Monitoring Using TLDs


2 Yrs


Investigation of the spacial distributionof uranium and associated water quality parameters in five central districts of Kerala (Idukki, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Trissur and Palakkad)


2 Yrs


Nanoskinned coir matrix for the removal of biological contaminants from water(as Co-PI)


3 yrs


 Investigation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal   Care products in Vembanadu Lake


3 yrs



  • California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
  • GSF-National Research Centre, Munich, Germany
  • Pohang university of Science & Technology, South Korea
  • University of Sherbrooke, Canada,
  • University of Paris (south), France
  • University of Paris-Est-Marne-la-Vallee
  • Duke University, USA
  • Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay
  • Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi
  • Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam, Kerala
  • National Centre for Ultrafast Process, Madras
  • National Centre for Free Radical Research Pune

 MoU signed with

  1. Duke University, Brown (2014)
  2. University and Plymouth State University, USA (2014)
  3. Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark (2015)
  4. Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark (2017)

Membership in Academic / Administrative bodies (past & present)

  • Convener, The ERUDITE (from HEC), MG University (2010-till date)
  • Member, Board of Studies (Chemistry) Cochin University of Science & Technology
  • Member, Board of Studies (Environmental Science), CUSAT, Kochi
  • Member, Research Council, Centre for Water Resource Development & Management (CWRDM), Calicut (under KSCSTE) (since 2017)
  • Member, Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) on Water Technology Initiative, Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi (since Sept.2015)
  • Member, Research & Development Committee, Department of Environment & Climate Change, Govt of Kerala (2018-2019)
  • Member, Expert Technical Committee, Suchitwa Mission, Govt of Kerala (2017-2019)
  • Member, Research Advisory Committee on Ecology and Environment of the KSCSTE (since 2018)
  • Member, International Expert committee, Russian Science Foundation (RSF) (since 2017)
  • Director, School of Environmental Sciences, MG University (June 7, 2012-Feb.21,2017 (total 4 yrs & 7 months)
  • Dean, Faculty of Environmental & Atmospheric Sciences, MG University  2012/14 & 2016/18 (total 4 yrs)
  • Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Mahatma Gandhi University (2018-2019)
  • Coordinator of PIG, DST PURSE programme-I in MG University (2012-15)
  • Member, Academic Council, MG University
  • Member, Board of Studies (Env.Sci.), MG University
  • Member, Syndicate, MG University
  • Member, Senate, MG University
  • Member, University Research Committee
  • Chairman, Board of Studies, Environmental Science, MG University
  • Director: Planning & Development Advisory Committee, MG University

Research Publications

Total: 423;  (Includes Publications in peer reviewed journals, reviews, Book chapters, Editorials & Conference proceedings/volumes)

In Conference  Proceedings.: 252  

Book chapters: 2

 Book chapters:  

  • Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar “Use of Antibiotics in Animals and Its Possible Impacts in the Environment” (pages 77-91), in the “Handbook of Research on Social Marketing and Its Influence on Animal Origin Food Product Consumption” Edited by Diana Bogueva, Dora Marinova, and Talia Raphaely, IGA Global (Idea Group, USA), 2018, ISBN13: 9781522547570
  • Usha K. Aravind, Subha Sasi, Mary Lidiya Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, Layer by layer (LbL) coated multilayer membranes in dye house effluent treatment (Chapter 22) in “Membrane Technology: Sustainable Solutions in Water, Health, Energy and Environmental Sectors” Edited by S. Sridhar, CRC Press 2018

Editorial as Guest Editor (2)

  • Environ. Chem.,2019 (in press)(Special Issue), Foreword to the Special Issue on the International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification,  C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind and Roland Kallenborn
  • Env Sci Pollut. Res., 2018, 25:20281–20282 (Special Issue), Water: From Pollution to Purification C. T. Aravindakumar, Mehmet Oturan and Usha Aravind

In Refereed International Journals 


  1. Akhil Gopalakrishnan, Jissy Mathew , Jain Maria Thomas , Greeshma Thankachan , T. Aravindakumar, Usha K Aravind, Spectro-kinetic investigations on the release mechanism of lysozyme from layer-by-layer reservoirs, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2023 (in press)
  2. Aswani, Soumya Das, K.K.Nejumal, K.S.Sebastian, C T. Aravindakumar, E.K.Radhakrishnan, Plant Protection Mediated Through an Array of Metabolites Produced by Pantoea dispersa Isolated from Pitcher Plant. Appl. Biochem Biotechnol.2023, 195(3), 1607–1629
  3. Manoj P Rayaroth, Grzegorz Boczkaj, Olivier Aubry, Usha K Aravind and T. Aravindakumar, Advanced Oxidation Processes for degradation of water pollutants – Ambivalent impact of carbonate species – A review, Water, 2023 (in press)
  4. Francis B., Aravindakumar CT., Simon S (2023) Regulatory role of strigolactones in biotic stress tolerance. Strigolactones: Roles in Plants and Applications (book chapter) Elsevier: (in press).
  5. Francis B., Aravindakumar CT., Brewer PB., Simon S (2023) Plant Nutrient Stress Adapration: A Prospect for Nutrient limited Agriculture. Environmental and Experimental Botany (in press).


  1. R. Manoj, C. T. Aravindakumar, Noor S. Shah, Grzegorz Boczkaj, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) based wastewater treatment – unexpected nitration side reactions – a serious environmental issue: A review, Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 430, 133002 (IF: 13.2)
  2. P. M. Menacherry, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative Degradation of Pharmaceutical Waste, Theophylline, from Natural Environment, Atmosphere, 2022 (in press)
  3. Jeeva M. Philip, C. M. Koshy, Usha K. Aravind and Charuvila T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical degradation of DEET in aqueous medium: Complex by-products from synergistic effect of sono-Fenton – New insights from a HRMS study; Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022 (in press) (IF:5.8)
  4. Sreedhanya, K. Krishnaraj, S. Swaroop, Satheesh Kumar, C.T.Aravindakumarand Usha K. Aravind, Bio-physical and Computational Studies on Serum Albumin / Target Protein Binding of a Potential Anti-Cancer Agent, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, (in press)
  5.  Vishnu M. Sreejith, John Richard Thomas, Nejumal K. Khalid, Abin Varghese, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Implosion-demolitions: Impact on the local environment in a tropical humid Ramsar site located in Southwestern India, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2022, DOI:10.1007/s11869-021-01136-1
  6. K Nejumal, P.R Manoj, D. Dineep, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation Studies of Isoniazid in Aqueous Medium, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 2022 (in press)
  7. Sreekanth, Sunil Paul M. Menacherry; S. Renjith; T. K. Manojkumar; Usha K. Aravind;  C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidation reactions of carbaryl in aqueous solutions, Chemical Physics, 2022, 554, 111427
  8. John Richard Thomas, V. Sreejith, U.K. Aravind, S. K Sahu, P. G. Shetty, M. Swarnakar, R. A. Takale, Gauri Pandit, C. T. Aravindakumar, Outdoor and Indoor natural background gamma radiation across Kerala, India, Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2022 (in press)


  1. Subha Sasi, Manoj P. Rayaroth, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Alcohol Ethoxysulfates (AES) in Environmental Matrices (review), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28, 34167-34186
  2. M. Vishnu Sreejith, K.S. Aradhana, M. Varsha, M.K. Cyrus, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, ATR- FTIR and LC-Q-ToF-MS analysis of indoor dust from different micro-environments located in a tropical metropolitan area, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 783, 147066
  3. Reshmi John, Jissy Mathew, Anu Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Probing the Role of Cu(II) ion on Protein Aggregation Using Two Model Proteins, ACS Omega 2021 6, 51, 35559–35571
  4. K. Nejumal, Usha K Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, “Identification and ecological hazard analysis of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in water bodies located in a coastal metropolitan environment”, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2021, 232, 410
  5. Manjumol Mathew, D. Lekshmi, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Potential Involvement of Environmental Triggers in Protein Aggregation with Mercuric Chloride as a Model, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 174, 153-161
  6. Ravi, VVT Nandayipurath, S. Rajan, SA Salim, N.K. Khalid, CT Aravindakumar, RE Krishnankutty, Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticle supplementation on the enhanced production of surfactin and iturin lipopeptides of endophytic Bacillus sp. Fcl1 and its ameliorated antifungal activity. Pest Managment Science 2021, 77:1035–1041.
  7. Ravi, S. Rajan, NK Khalid, MS Jose, CT Aravindakumar, RE Krishnankutty, Impact of Supplements on Enhanced Activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BmB1 Against Pythium aphanidermatum Through Lipopeptide Modulation. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 2021, 13:367–374.
  8. S. Shalumon, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Detection of bromate in packaged drinking water and its removal using polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes, Environmental Quality Management 2021, 1–12
  9. S. Shalumon, K.S. Sanu, John Richard Thomas, Usha K. Aravind, Sujata Radhakrishnan, S.K. Sahoo, S.K. Jha and C.T. Aravindakumar, Analysis of Uranium and other water quality parameters in drinking water sources of 5 districts of Kerala in Southern India and potability estimation using water quality indexing method, Hydroresearch, 2021 (in press)
  10. Aswani Ravi, Vipina Vinod Thazhe Nandayipurath, Sukanya Rajan, Simi Asma Salim, Nejumal Kannankeril Khalid, C. T. Aravindakumar, Radhakrishnan Edayileveettil Krishnankutty, Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticle supplementation on the enhanced production of surfactin and iturin lipopeptides of endophytic Bacillus sp. Fcl1 and its ameliorated anti-fungal activity,  Pest Management Science 2021, 13(1):32-39. doi: 10.1007/s12602-020-09665-4.


  1. Subha Sasi, Manoj P. Rayaroth, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Occurrence, Distribution and Removal of organic micro-pollutants in a low saline water body, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 749, 141319
  2. Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, Unravelling the fibrillation mechanism of ovalbumin in the presence of mercury at its isoelectric pH, RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 16415–16421
  3. Thomas, M.P. Rayaroth, S. P. M. Menacherry, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of Benzenesulfonic Acid in Aqueous Medium, Chemosphere, 2020, 252, 126485
  4. Victoria A.Salomatova, Ivan P.Pozdnyakov, Peter S.Sherin, Dineep Devadasan, T.Aravindakumar, Vjacheslav P.Grivin, Victor F.Plyusnin, Influence of β-cyclodextrin complexation on photochemistry of bisphenols in aqueous solutions, Mendeleev Communications, 2020, 30(4):439-441
  5. K Nejumal, P.R Manoj, D. Dineep, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Photochemical Oxidative Degradation Studies of Isoniazid in Aqueous Medium, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020, 33, 1424-1428
  6. Aswani R, Jasim B, Arun Vishnu R, Liya Antony, Remakanthan A, Aravindakumar C T, Radhakrishnan E K, Nanoelicitor based enhancement of camptothecin production in fungi isolated from Ophiorrhiza mungos , Biotechnology Progress 2020, 36:e3039.
  7. Naveen S. Lal, John Richard Thomas, Sumith Satheendran, Abin Varghese, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Air Quality Disturbance Zone mapping in Greater Cochin Region of Kerala State, India using Geoinformatics, Spatial Information Research 2020,
  8. Sijimol, P.R. Manoj, D. Dineep, K.K. Nejumal, C.T. Aravindakumar, Mahesh Mohan, Perchlorate contamination of drinking water sources in Kerala, South India and its degradation using advanced chemical treatment, Energy, Ecology and Environment 2020, 5(4):286–293
  9. Sreedhanya, S. Ammu, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Spectroscopic and theoretical methods to probe protein-ligand binding, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020, 33, 1361-1366
  10. Jain Maria Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar and Usha K Aravind, Removal of Beta Blockers using Polyelectrolyte Monolayered Membrane and its Antifouling Performance, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2020 , 87, 222-233
  11. Sunil P.M.Menacherry, DaeWiMina, Daun Jeong, C.T.Aravindakumar, Woojin Lee,Wonyong Choi, Halide-induced dissolution of lead(IV) oxideinfrozen solution, J. Haz. Mat. 2020, 384, 121298
  12. Vishnu Sreejith, John Richard Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Characterisation of atmospheric particulate matter over a site in southern Kerala, India – using ATR-FTIR and Confocal micro-Raman Spectroscopy, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020, 33, 1410-1414
  13. Thomas Baby, Tomlal E. Jose, C. T. Aravindakumar, John Richard Thomas, A facile approach for the preparation of polycarbonate nanofiber mat with filtration capability, Polymer Bulletin, 2020
  14. Kishore Kumar Nair, Bennie Viljoen; C T Aravindakumar; H C Swart; Richard A Harris; Usha K Aravind, Synthesis of silver incorporated lithium doped zinc oxide nanocomposites for in-vitro biorational evaluation of Candiasis and Cryptococcosis, Applied Surface Science , 2020, 506, 144800


  1. Chem.,2019 16, 561–562 (Special Issue), Foreword to the Special Issue on the International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, C. T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind and Roland Kallenborn
  2. Raghava Varman Thampan, K. U. Krishnaraj, H. Shabeer Ali, Sapna Kannan, C. Mrudhula, C. T. Aravindakumar, Haridas, Insulin Signalling: Essential Role of a 222 Da Molecular Mediator, Co-Insulin (Co-Ins), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 2019
  3. Jain Maria Thomas, C.T. Aravindakumarand Usha K Aravind, Protein loading studies using polyelectrolyte microcapsules International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterial, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/00914037.2019.1667803
  4. Vijayan, S. Yesodharan, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K. Aravind, V.J. Koshy and E.P. Yesodharan, Role of electrodes and electrolytes on the efficiency of electrolytic decontamination of water from indigo carmine dye pollutant. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2019, 9(11) ISSN No. 2249 – 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar
  5. Jisha Chandran, U. K. Aravind, P. T. Nguyen, C. T. Aravindakumar, Solvent dependent ESI-collisionally induced dissociation of protonated nitenpyram, J. Mass Spectrometry, 2019, 445, 116207
  6. S. Shalumon, C.T. Aravindakumarand Usha K. Aravind, A multilayered surface for the interactive separation of perchlorate from aqueous medium, Environmental Chemistry, 2019,16(8) 587-598
  7. Jisha Chandran, Vishnu N. R., Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, ESI-MSMS characterization and differentiation of the cross links of thymine from one electron oxidation with SO4, Int. J. Mass Spectrometry, 2019, 443, 53-60
  8. Mary Lidiya Mathew, G. Akhil, C.T. Aravindakumar and U.K. Aravind, Low – cost multilayered green fiber for the treatment of textile industry waste water, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 365, 297-305


  1. Env Sci Pollut. Res., 2018, 25:20281–20282 (Special Issue), Water: From Pollution to Purification T. Aravindakumar, Mehmet Oturan and Usha Aravind
  2. Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar “Use of Antibiotics in Animals and Its Possible Impacts in the Environment” (pages 77-91), in the “Handbook of Research on Social Marketing and Its Influence on Animal Origin Food Product Consumption” Edited by Diana Bogueva, Dora Marinova, and Talia Raphaely, IGA Global (Idea Group, USA), 2018, ISBN13: 9781522547570
  3. Usha K. Aravind, Subha Sasi, Mary Lidiya Mathew, C. T. Aravindakumar, Layer by layer (LbL) coated multilayer membranes in dye house effluent treatment (Chapter 22) in “Membrane Technology: Sustainable Solutions in Water, Health, Energy and Environmental Sectors” Edited by S. Sridhar, CRC Press 2018
  4. Jeeva M. Philip, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Emerging Contaminants in Indian Environmental Matrices – A Review, Chemosphere, 2018, Jan;190:307-326. doi: 10.1016
  5. T. Elias, J. Chandran, Usha K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar Oxidative Degradation of Ranitidine Induced by UV and Ultrasound: Identification of Transformation Products using LC-Q-ToF-MS, Environmental Chemistry, 2018 16(1), 41-54
  6. Sunil Paul M.Menachery, P.Nguyen, G. Pramod,Usha K.Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar, Exploring the Mechanism of Diphenylmethanol Oxidation: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach, Chemical Physics, 2018, 513, 201-208
  7. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Effect of inorganic ions on the ultrasound initiated degradation and product formation of Triphenylmethane dyes, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, 2018, 48, 482-491
  8. K. Khalid, D. Devadasan, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Screening and quantification of Emerging Contaminants in Periyar River, Kerala (India) by using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC-Q-ToF-MS), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018,190(6):370. doi: 10.1007/s10661-018-6745-9
  9. Subha Sasi, P.R. Manoj, C.T. Aravindakumar and U.K. Aravind, Identification of surfactants and its correlation with physico-chemical parameters at the confluence region of Vembanad Lake in India, Env Sci Pollut. Res., 2018  Jul;25(21):20527-20539. doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-0563-4.
  10. Oturan, C.T. Aravindakumar, H. Olvera-Vargas, S. P. Mathew, M.A. Oturan, Electro-Fenton oxidation of para-aminosalicylic acid: Degradation kinetics and mineralization pathway using Pt/carbon-felt and BDD/carbon-felt cells, Environ. Sc. Pollut. Res., 2018, July, Volume 25(21), 20363–20373
  11. R. Manoj, U.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Photocatalytic Degradation of Lignocaine in Aqueous Suspension of TiO2 Nanoparticles: Mechanism of Degradation and Mineralization, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018 (6), 3556-3564


  1. K. Nejumal, D. Dineep, Mahesh Mohan,  K.P. Krishnan, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Presence of Bisphenol S and Surfactants in the Sediments of Kongsfjorden: A Negative Impact of Human Activities in Arctic?, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2017 190(1):22. doi: 10.1007/s10661-017-6383-7
  2. Jain Thomas, R. Vishnu, C.T. Aravindakumar, and Usha K. Aravind, Polyelectrolyte Functional Bilayers for the Removal of Model Emerging Contaminants, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56 (46), 13874–13884
  3. Jisha Chandran,Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Mass spectrometric characterization of sonochemical transformation products of 2’-deoxycytidine under aerated conditions: Direct observation of hydroxyhydroperoxide and glycol, Chemistry Select, 2017, 2(32), 10329-10335
  4. Thomas, S.V. Abraham, U. K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Enhanced degradation of acid red 1 dye using a coupled system of zero valent iron nanoparticles and sonolysis, Environ Sci. Pollut. Res., 2017, 24(31), 24533-24544
  5. Manoj P. Rayaroth , Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Role of in-situ nitrite ion formation on the sonochemical transformation of para-aminosalicylic acid, Ultrasonic Sonochemistry, 2017, 40, 213-220
  6. Manoj P. Rayaroth , Chung-Seop Lee, Usha K. Aravind, Charuvila T. Aravindakumar,Yoon-Seok Chang, Oxidative degradation of benzoic acid using Fe0– and sulfidized Fe0-activated persulfate: A comparative study”, Eng. J., 2017 , 315, 426-436
  7. A. Sijumon, U.K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Degradation studies of amaranth dye using Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles: Optimal conditions and analysis of intermediate products by LC-Q-ToF-MS, Environmental Engineering Science, 2017, 34(5),  376-383


  1. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind, Charuvila T. Aravindakumar, Degradation of pharmaceutically active compounds by ultrasound based advanced oxidation process: A review, Chem. Lett., 2016, 14, 259-290
  2. Jissy Mathew, G. Akhil, C.T. Aravindakumar, U.K. Aravind Transport properties and morphology of CHI/PSS multilayered microfiltration membranes for the low pressure filtration of amino acids” Chem. Tech. Biotech., 2016 DOI: 10.1002/jctb.5067
  3. P. Rayaroth, U. K. Aravind, C. T. Aravindakumar , Ultrasound based AOP for emerging pollutants: From degradation to mechanism, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2016 Doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6606-4
  4. Sunil Paul M. Menachery, Sreekanth R. Nair, Pramod Gopinathan, Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Transformation Reactions of Radicals from the Oxidation of Diphenhydramine: Pulse Radiolysis and Mass Spectrometric Studies, Chemistry Select, 2016, 1 (5), 924-933


  1. Subha Sasi, M. P. Rayaroth, D. Devadasan, Usha K. Aravind and C. T. Aravindakumar, Influence of inorganic ions and selected emerging contaminants on the degradation of Methylparaben: A sonochemical approach, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 300, 202-209
  2. Jisha Chandran, U.K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical transformation of thymidine: A mass spectrometric study, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2015, 27, 178-186
  3. P. M. Menachery, Olivier Laprévote, Thao P. Nguyen, Usha K. Aravind, G. Pramod  and C.T. Aravindakumar, Identification of Position Isomers by Energy-Resolved Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Mass Spectrometry , 2015, 50, 944–950
  4. P. Rayaroth, K.K. Nejumal, Subha Sasi, Usha K. Aravind, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Identification of chlorophene in a backwater stream in Kerala (India) and its sonochemical degradation studies, Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 2015, 43, 1338-1343
  5. John, A. Reghuwanshi, U. K Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Development and validation of a high-performance thin layer chromatography method for the determination of cholesterol concentration, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2015 Jun;23(2):219-224. doi: 10.1016/j.jfda.2014.07.006.
  6. Manoj P. Rayaroth, Usha K. Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of Coomassie Brilliant Blue: Effect of frequency, power density, pH and various additives, Chemosphere, 2015, 119, 848-855
  7. Akhil Gopalakrishnan, Mary Lidiya Mathew, JishaChandran, Appala Raju Badireddy, Judith Winglee, Mark Wiesner, T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Sustainable Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Surfaces: Possible Matrix for Salt/dye Separation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 2015,  7, 3699-3707


  1. Muna Sh. Yahya, N. Oturan, K. El Kacemi, M. El Karbane, C. T. Aravindakumar, M. A. Oturan,Oxidative Degradation Studies on Antimicrobial Agent Ciprofloxacin by electro-Fenton Process: Kinetics and Oxidation Products, Chemosphere, 2014, 117, 447-54
  2. M. Sunil Paul, U. K. Aravind, G. Pramod, A. Saha, and C. T. Aravindakumar, Hydroxyl Radical Induced Oxidation of Theophylline in Water: A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study, Org. Biomol Chem. 2014, 12 (30), 5611 – 5620
  3. Mathew, S. Sreedhanya, P. Manoj, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind Exploring the interaction of bisphenol-S with serum albumins: A better or worse alternative for bisphenol-A?,  J. Phys. Chem. B., 2014, 118 (14), 3832–3843
  4. Olvera-Vargas, N. Oturan, C. T. Aravindakumar, M. M. Sunil Paul, V.r K. Sharma, M. A. Oturan, Electro-oxidation of the Dye Azure B: Kinetics, mechanism and by-products, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2014, 21(14),  8379-8386
  5. G. Nair, S, Vijayakumar, T.L. Luke, M.S.P. Mathew, C.T. Aravindakumar, Degradation of dyestuff pollutant Sudan I using advanced oxidation process, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2014, 6(14), 1276
  6. Sreekanth, Sunil Paul M. M, Usha K. Aravind, J.L.Marignier, J.Belloni, C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidation reactions of hydroxy naphthoquinones: Mechanistic investigation by LC-Q-TOF-MS Analysis, Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 2014, 90(6), 495-502.
  7. B. Shibin, R. Sreekanth,Usha K. Aravind, K.M. Afsal Mohammed,  N.V. Chandrashekhar,Jayan Joseph, S. K. Sarkar, D.B. Naikand C.T. Aravindakumar, Radical chemistry of glucosamine naphthalene acetic acid and naphthaleneaceticacid: A pulse radiolysis study, J.Phys.Org. Chem., 2014, 27( 6), 478–483
  8. Shoniya Thomas, R. Sreekanth, V.A. Sijumon, Usha K Aravind and C.T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative Degradation of Acid Red 1 in Aqueous Medium, Eng. J., 2014, 244, 473–482
  9. K.Nejumal, P.R. Manoj,Usha K. Aravind, C.T. Aravindakumar, Sonochemical Degradation of a Pharmaceutical Waste, Atenolol, in Aqueous Medium, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2014, 21, 4297-4308


  1. Sreekanth, K.P. Prasanthkumar, M.M. Sunil Paul, Usha K. Aravind,, C.T. Aravindakumar, Oxidation Reactions of 1- and 2-naphthols: An Experimental and Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A., 2013,117, 11261–11270
  2. V. Divyalakshmi, S. Sreedhanyaa, G. Akhil, C. T. Aravindakumar and Usha K. Aravind, Sub-picomolar sensing of hydrogen peroxide with ovalbumin embedded CHI/PSS multilayer membrane, Analytical Biochemistry, 2013, 440, 49-55
  3. P. Prasanthkumar, C. H. Suresh, C. T. Aravindakumar, Dimer Radical Cation of 4-thiouracil: A pulse radiolysis and theoretical study, J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2013, 26, 510-516
  4. Venu, D.B. Naik, S.K. Sarkar, Usha K. AravindA.Nijamudheen, C.T.Aravindakumar, ,Oxidation Reactions of Thymol: A Pulse Radiolysis and Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A., 2013, 117, 291–299
  5. M. Sunil Paul, Usha K. Aravind, G. Pramod, C.T. Aravindakumar, Oxidative Degradation of Fensulfothion by Hydroxyl Radical in Aqueous Medium, Chemosphere, 2013,  91, 295–301


  1. P. Prasanthkumar, C. H. Suresh and C. T. Aravindakumar, Oxidation Reactions of 2-thiouracil: A Theoretical and Pulse Radiolysis Study, J. Phys. Chem. A. 2012 116 , 10712–10720
  2. J. Disha, C.T. Aravindakumar, Usha K.Aravind, Phosphate recovery by high flux low pressure multilayer membranes, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 12744–12752      
  3. Jissy Mathew, S. Sreedhanya, M.S. Baburaj, C.T. Aravindakumar, U.K. Aravind, Fabrication of switchable protein resistant and adhesive multilayer membranes, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2012, 94, 118-24
  4. S. Baburaj, C.T. Aravindakumar, S. Sreedhanya, A.P. Thomas,  Usha K. Aravind,  Treatment of model textile effluents with PAA/CHI and PAA/PEI composite membranes Desalination, 2012,  288, 72–79
  5. K.P. Prasanthkumar, C.H. Suresh, C.T. Aravindakumar,  Theoretical study of the addition and abstraction reactions of hydroxyl radical with uracil, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 2012, 81,   267-278

Symposia/Conferences Attended (Plenary/Invited talk/paper presentation)


  1. Water DTU 3rd Partner Seminar, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, May 23-24, 2017
  2. 3rd International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2017), Hanoi, Vietnam, February 25-27, 2017
  3. Third International Conference On Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Technology – ASET 2015, 28-29 December, 2015 ,Bangkok, Thailand
  4. VIII EPOA-Meeting of Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes: II CIPOA- Iberoamerican Congress of Advanced Oxidation Processes, Nov.3-6, 2015, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  5. International Conference on Advances in Applied Sciences and Environmental Technology, ASET, 21-22 Feb.2015, Bangkok, Thailand
  6. International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Bio-Technology – (AEBT- 2014) ,04-05 January, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand
  7. International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Bio-Technology – (AEBT- 2014) ,04-05 January, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand
  8. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration and Management, Vietnam, March, 2013
  9. 19th International Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Sept.15-21, 2012, Kyoto, Japan
  10. AOP6 Oxidation Technologies for Water & Waste water treatment; May 7-9. 2012, Goslar, Germany
  11. International Research Conference on Economics, Social Science and Environmental Issues, March 6-7, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
  12. Oslo Governance Forum (UNDP conference), Oct.3-5, 2011, Oslo, Norway
  13. 5’th Asian Photochemistry Conference, Beijing, China, Nov.2008
  14. International symposium Charged Particle and Photon Interactions with Matter, Tokyo, Japan, Nov.2007
  15. Gordon conference Waterville, USA, June, 2004
  16. Conf. on ultrashort-pulses in pulse radiolysis, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA June 2004
  17. JASS-2004, NMR applications in biomolecules, Osaka, Japan, Jan.2004
  18. Symposium: Application of Lasers in chemistry, physics and Biology: Crossing borders, Amsterdam, May 2002
  19. International Conference on Metallothionein, Belgium, Oct.1999
  20. Gordon conference on Radiation chemistry, Newport, USA,July 1998
  21. Symposium on “From Gene to Clinic”, Gent, Belgium, 1997
  22. Miller Conference, Cervia/Milano Marittima, Italy, Sept.1995
  23. International Congress of Radiation Research, Wuerzburg, Germany, August 1995

In India

  1. International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Dec.12-15, 2016
  2. OSI workshop on “Membrane technology” MGU- Duke University, USA, August 2015
  3. International Conference on Frontiers of Mass Spectrometry, Dec.11-14, 2015, Kottayam, Kerala
  4. International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Jan. 23 – 26, 2015, Kottayam, Kerala
  5. International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept.25-28, 2014, Munnar, Kerala
  6. National Symposium on Environment (NSE – 19), Dec 11- 13, 2014, Kottayam
  7. International Conference on Membranes, Oct.3-6, 2013, Kottayam, Kerala
  8. Indo-Mexican Workshop on Water and Wastewater use and Management Nagpur, India, July 25-26, 2013
  9. National Conference heavy Metals in the Environment’, Kottayam, November 28-29, 2013
  10. International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Oct.5-8, 2012, Kottayam
  11. LAKE-2012, National Conference on Conservation and Management of Wetland Ecosystems, Kottayam, November 6-8, 2012
  12. National Seminar on Sustainable Development, Kottayam 2012
  13. International Conference on Membranes; Biological and Environmental Applications, Sept.16-19, 2011, Kottayam
  14. National Conference on Radiation and Photochemistry, March 10-12, 2011 Johdpur
  15. International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes, Sept 18-21, 2010, Kottayam
  16. International Conference on Climate Change and Developing countries, Feb.19-22, 2010, Kottayam
  17. International conference on advances in polymer blends ,composites, IPNS and gels:macro to nano composites, Kottayam, Oct. 2008, Kottayam
  18. International conference on advanced Materials, Feb.2008 Kottayam
  19. Photoradchem-2007 (An International Conference on Radiation & Photochemistry), Kottayam
  20. International Symposium on Advances in Organic Chemistry, Kottayam, Jan.2006
  21. National Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry, Dharwad, Feb, 2005.
  22. International conference on advances in polymer blends ,composites, IPNS and gels:macro to nano composites, Kottayam, Mar.2005
  23. Indian Academy of Science meeting, Bangalore, July 2003
  24. Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences (RACS-2002), Kottayam (Dec.2002)
  25. National Conference on Solar Energy Conversion Processes, Madras (March, 2001)
  26.  National Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry, Kanpur, Roorkee Feb.2001,Sambalpur, Feb.1999 & Vaisakh, Jan.1997
  27. Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry, Bombay– Jan.2006, Jan.1996,1994 and 1992
  28. International Symposium on Emerging Frontiers of Radiation Biology,- Bombay, Dec.1994
  29. Symposium on Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry, Nagpur, Jan.1990

Selected Invited/Plenary talks

  1. Plenary talk. Third International Conference On Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Technology – ASET 2015, 28-29 December, 2015 , Bangkok, Thailand
  2. VIII EPOA-Meeting of Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes: II CIPOA- Iberoamerican Congress of Advanced Oxidation Processes, Nov.3-6, 2015, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  3. Technical University of Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark (July 8, 2015)
  4. University of Paris (E), 2015
  5. University of Barcelona, 2015
  6. International Conference on Advances  in Applied Sciences and Environmental Technology, ASET, 21-22 Feb.2015, Bangkok, Thailand
  7. International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Bio-Technology – (AEBT- 2014) , 04-05 January, 2015, Bangkok, Thailand
  8. International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Bio-Technology – (AEBT- 2014) , 04-05 January, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand
  9. Indo-Mexican Workshop on Water and Wastewater use and Management Nagpur, India, July 25-26, 2013
  10. University of Paris-Est-Marne-la-valee, France, April, 2013
  11. Hanoi University of Science &Technology, Vietnam, March 2013
  12. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration and Management, Vietnam, March, 2013
  13. King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, Sept.2012
  14. Pohang University of Science & Technology (South Korea), Feb.2009
  15. Hiroshima University, Japan, Nov.2007
  16. Osaka University, Japan, Nov.2007
  17. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Nov.2007
  18. TechnicalUniversity of Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2007
  19. PohangUniversity of Science & Technology (South Korea), Feb.2006
  20. Hong KongUniversity of Science & Technology, Feb 2006
  21. University of Hong Kong, March 2006
  22. Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry, Bombay, Jan.2006
  23. University of Florence, Italy, May 2005
  24. CNR-Instititue, Bologna, Italy, May 2005
  25. National Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry, Dharwad, Feb, 2005
  26. Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences, Kottayam, Dec.2002
  27. National conference on Solar Energy Conversion Processes, Madras, March 2001
  28. Indo-French Workshop on Radical Chemistry, University of Pune, India, Jan. 2000
  29. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, Oct. 1999
  30. National Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry, Sambalpur, India, Feb.1999
  31. University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 1998
  32. Osaka University MedicalSchool, Osaka, Japan, Sept. 1998
  33. Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, Sept. 1998
  34. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 1998
  35. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Oct. 1997
  36. Indo-German workshop on Radiation and Photochemical Research, Pune, Jan.1996
  37. Miller Conference, Cervia/Milano Marittima, Italy, Sept. 1995


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